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Nancy French
8/31/2011 01:32:57 pm

Love having the website to keep up with things - thanks!

Mrs. H
9/5/2011 08:56:37 am

Thanks for the comment Nancy! I'm going to try to update at least once a week.

Gordon & Donita Hedrick
9/9/2011 07:15:33 am

Great work on Grandparents Day, Mrs Honneycutt and Miss Kay were very effective with the children and adults as well. We thought the biscuits were a hoot and quite tasty as well. We will keep the recipe. We particularly enjoyed the daily agenda book and noted the eagerness of all the students to read given the opportunity. The salad at lunch was the best, give my thanks to the kitchen staff. Thanks to you all, we had a great time and apprediate you work and dedication. Enjoued meeting the class animal.
Gordon and Donita Hedrick

Mrs. H
9/13/2011 11:12:40 am

Thank you for checking out the website and for the comment. It made my day! So glad you enjoyed the morning as much as I did. Thank you again for taking time out to join us!


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